I finished my book!!
That is awesome congrats!!!
Beautiful illustrations!! And congratulations! Very exciting!!
www.lmuggliart.etsy.com -
Thank you! I'm so happy and excited at the future!
Congrats! Looks great!
Wow, fantastic. Well done!
That's brilliant, really well done! All the jobs will come rushing in now i bet, beautiful work!
@hannahmccaffery I hope you're right! That would be really nice hihi
It's so pretty to look at! Congrats, it's absolutely lovely.
Woahhhh nice work!! I love your color schemes this is incredible
@Aleksey Thank you! I'm glad to hear it because this book is all about colors - There's a green spread, a pink spread, a yellow, blue, red, grey, etc. It was so fun to work with!
Congratulations! The book looks amazing! I love the colors. I’m glad we were able to help you. After this, more jobs are definitely going to follow.
Awesome! Really nice layouts and composition. Thanks for sharing!
@NessIllustration yes i remember when you were choosing your cover! Beautiful work. Do you feel like your coloring skills have improved after making this?
@NessIllustration stunning, I love the way you use colour and pattern too
@NessIllustration Ness this is absolutely amazing. Congratulations!!! Great work and I love all your colours. Thanks for sharing. :white_medium_star:
@Aleksey Oh absolutely! It was a unique challenge because each spread was so tone on tone, but I had to make sure every element stood out enough. Also had to figure out how the colors of the characters were going to look when affected by a different color palette. It felt very much like an exercise, in a way!
@Judy-Elizabeth-Wilson Thank you so much Judy, that is so sweet of you to say!
Congratulations!! That's an awesome achievement! Getting it done so quickly and with good feelings all around sounds like the best possible outcome, now celebrate!!
@AnnaDaviscourt Thank you Anna! It's been a rough ride, working a good 25-30 hours a week on the book and then an additional 25 on contracts that actually pay the bills, I've been overworked and broke at the same time haha... But now I'm celebrating, taking a break and relaxing! I have barely 10 hours of work this week and it is MUCH NEEDED!
@NessIllustration that’s awesome! How wonderful to have had your first impressions on your publishers be so positive! I’m excited for you to get that next project under way.
I’m not anywhere near published, but I know SVS is truly a gem. It has been invaluable to me in getting this far and encouraging me to chase my dream and work for it.
Two cheers for a job done well and getting your first book “in the books”!