Practicing visualizing pespective (which I just finished.....)
I need a lot more practice. I need to do an airplane with someone ( or maybe a penguin
) in it for example
but, here's what I just did today.
I would suggest drawing your penguin character separate and then plopping him in.
@Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen Nice work! Figuring out those circles and ovals in perspective is really tricky. It really feels to me like the lines are 'lining up' correctly
if you get what I mean.
Cute little planes. They seem spot on. Love the simplification of the plane. Style is great!
@Whitney-Simms Thanks.
@Braden-Hallett Thank you.
@Heather-Boyd I think I'd have to do that digitally and I don't really do digital. But, it is a great idea!
I had a page I had been working on with the dog and bench. Had to redo it so I practiced adding some objects to practice my visual perspective again. I probably have things in different perspectives than they should be. perspective is one of my biggest challenges in drawing. But, I guess I got some things right.
I am progressing from what I used to do.
What a cute little plane!
It will look extra cute with a penguin in it.
One thing I'd suggest is to watch out for consistency in the design especially as you're working on perspective. On the left image the wings sit about a quarter of the way past the cockpit and in the image on the right they're aligned.
Like with characters, having consistency in your objects and environment is important.Lovely job though! Keep it up!
@Shelley_Couvi thanks for the tips. I need them!
You're welcome! -
Added a few more objects
Feel free to draw over to show me wher I'm off. Thanks!
No sorry I miscommunicated, I just meant drawing your penguin on a separate page, figuring him out and then drawing him into your plane as you drew your plane - you may have done that - I noticed a lot of erasing where the seat is in your plane. But absolutely if you were doing digital plopping him in could work.
I love your dog! And the portraits on the wall.
@Heather-Boyd Oh, I see. That's a good idea. Maybe I'll try it.
@Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen I don't have any tips on the art itself but wanted to say that I've appreciated seeing your skill improve over the years and how even when a piece gives you fits you don't give up. That's encouraging!
@Jon-Anderson Thank you! It's nice to know you've seen me improve
That's encouraging. Thank you.
Tried adding penguins and shortened the cockpit on the plane going downward.