I finished my book!!
Gorgeous congrats!
Congratulations!!!! It does look really beautiful!
This is beautiful work! Lovely colors and characters! Congratulations!!
Awesome job! PRO badge achieved!
@jaepereira Yeah I just got the badge!!
@NessIllustration Will this book be available in the US? I just got Simona Ceccarelli's book (@smceccarelli) in the mail yesterday ("If You Had Your Birthday Party on the Moon") and love it, and would love to get yours. Besides really enjoying your previews you've posted, I also thought it would be fun to start a collection of books by SVS illustrators. If it's not available in the US, it'll be a good excuse to cross the border. (I'm only two hours from Canada.)
@demotlj As far as I know it'll be only available in Quebec for now -but it's early still, I haven't even gotten my author copies yet! They rushed to get it printed in time for the Quebec international book fair and the only way I even know they made it in time is because I saw the book in a fair photo haha...
If you want I could get a copy on your behalf and mail it to you (though it will be in French haha...)
Ahhhh there it is!
https://www.dominiqueetcompagnie.com/catalogue/livre.asp?id_prd=3512It's just a small book at a small publisher, but it still feels really nice!
@NessIllustration I have all of the Asterix books in French. Every time I went to Toronto I'd search out the French Language bookstores and pick them up and finished my collection when I visited Montreal. I can't speak French to save my life (well, maybe to save my life -- Au secours!) but I can read it pretty well. If it doesn't get distributed outside of Quebec, I may take you up on your offer because I'd love to buy a copy somehow. I'm a fan!
@demotlj That's amazing Laurie!
I'd be real happy to get you a book if you want one!
@NessIllustration My email is demotlj@gmail.com -- just let me know when it comes out and we can make arrangements. Thanks.
@demotlj I just emailed the publisher about this and they told me that the chain Archambault carries the book, which is nice because they have an online store and deliver to the US! The shipping is a little pricy though, CAD $15.99 + the price of the actual book $12.95, so CAD $28.94 total (approximately USD $21.46).
The book is 24 pages, soft cover, 23 cm x 23 cm! You can get it here: https://www.archambault.ca/Pages/Details?lang=en-ca&id=2775719
(actually I think I'll make a separate post about this) Thanks so much for your interest, Laurie!