This is an image for greeting cards I painted. Tried to paint the light in and turn it on and off using photoshop layers. Hope you like it.
Impressive! I love the light turning off and on. Glad the class was helpful!
That children's book class is top notch. Everything you could possibly want to know is packed into that very comprehensive class. It is definitely one of those classes you will use as a reference and go back to many many times.
Great work Lee. I like this image a lot.
Wow, that is really cool, I love that you made the light turn on and off! I also really adore your style!
really nice looking image!
Awww this is such a sweet image! Love the design of the penguin and the painting technique
So sweet, love the light trick!
@Lee-Holland Hi Lee, I absolutely love it. I really enjoy what you have done with the light. Very clever. Keep up the awesome work.
Nice texture with the grain. Is that a dissolve blend in photoshop?
I can't wait to do the children's book class too - is anyone else torn between drawing and watching videos?? It's classic chicken or egg, wish I had time for both in one day
@Rowan-Ferguson Yep. What i do is watching the video, wile drawing or working, its really inspiring. The Children's book class is really good, but the creative composition Ifound even better. During my vacation Im taking the perspective exercises to do as homework. I try to make a drawing a day, keeps me motivated.
Hi Rowan. The way i painted was the Will Terry way. Make a texture and then put the texture you have made on to your brush. will explains it very well in the painting in photoshop pawer day class.
I am currently going through the children's book class while doing a children's book for a client. I do agree it is hard to draw and watch at the same time.