Hi Everyone, here is my entry!
Farmers, beware of the black sheep!
@Norman-Morana thanks
I could hear the sizzling as I worked :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes:
@Elinore-Eaton, @Braden-Hallett, @Norman-Morana that's some seriously quality work!!! Very inspiring. Well done!
@chrisaakins Thank you so very much for your kind words.
@Amanda-Jean Thank you so very much!
@Norman-Morana Lovely. I am a HUGE fan of your work
Lucky rabbit's feet are only lucky if you're not the rabbit.
Love how this turned out.
@lmrush Thank you so much
@Heather-Boyd too!
Here's my entry.
@Chip-Valecek I am new to the forum and to the contest can you tell me when they usually announce the contest prompt? And when is the deadline for the artwork to be submitted? Thank you
@Olga-Herrera The prompt is usually announced within the first week or so of the month. From there you have all month to work on it. Create a new thread to share your process or get feedback. Then submit your final piece to this thread by the last day of the month.
Irish Superstition: To stave off sorrow a solo magpie brings to its passerby, another brings joy.
I am very happy how this turned out. The subject matter is very close to my heart this past year.
I hope you like it.
First time I am joining a svs competition! -
@dkroese This is gorgeous-love love love!
Here ya go! My superstition is a mirror one. if you put two mirrors in front of each other, you open a threshold for the devil (Some variations are ghosts, whitches, other supernatural things)
@Aleksey Nice! That turned out really well
Here's my entry for this months challenge!
This particular superstition of hanging lemon and chillis outside the entrances of homes, shops etc. is still very commonly practiced in many parts of India.
(The scientific logic behind it is actually a DIY insect repellant used in ancient times). -
Very nice, I like the additions and happy you joined in.