How are you all posting to instagram?
I think there is a way to upload to Instagram using Safari on Mac, through a developer technique? I think I read it somewhere before lol.
I use google chrome, shift+ctrg+J for seeing the mobile view and F5 (to refresh the site) and than I can post. But you cannot post multiple Images in one post this way. Or I did use tailwind for posting, there were about over 30 images free.
But I usually connect my phone with pc and copy the image to my phone.
@burvantill wrote about posting on mac:
For those on a Mac, Command+Option+J will take you to the source page where you can click on a mobile view. command +R to refresh the page and tahn You can post. -
I use my phone to post.
I transfer the images from my computer to the phone using discord.
I've set up a private discord channel. I screen cap my work on my PC and paste it into discord. Easy to download on my phone and post as usual.
Though I'm gonna try what @MichaelaH does with the mobile view! That's a great idea!
I believe if you use windows 10 you can download the instagram app from the microsoft store. Then you can just use the app on your desktop. That is what I do.
- looks great! Thanks for the recommendation on that.
I have been using a mac app called Flume which has been pretty easy to use, but the whole scheduling bit with later seems pretty rad.
@Chip-Valecek I have the app on my win 10 and I cannot post anything, no + there. And since last win update I cannot like and post comments anymore.
Awesome to get all this feedback thanks so much everyone! You're definitely describing some of the pain points I've been feeling with trying to keep instagram updated!
I had signed up initially with HootSuite's free plan which maxes out at 3 accounts (which most of us are probably good with say using Instagram, FB and maybe toss in Pinterest). I'll check out!
I did look at the Instagram app for win10 (I've got a windows machine at home) but crazily enough it doesn't give me the option to post a photo. I can RESPOND to a photo, but not post, and then when I researched it a bunch of people said that feature was missing, but others said it was there, so it was super confusing.
@MichaelaH thats so weird, i wonder if you deleted it and tried to reinstall it again. Mine looks just like my phone app.
@MichaelaH Yeah this was my experience exactly. The "+" symbol is gone, and when you look at the feedback people are having some people have the add new media symbol and others don't and there doesn't seem to be a straight answer I can see to why it's different between users.
I'm sporadic. Tend to post straight after I've finished something. If I've done it on the computer, I upload to dropbox and export from my phone. I have a Trello card that has all my hashtags and just copy/paste/edit those to suit the image. If I've done it in Procreate, I export and upload from app on there.
I've heard that posting certain ways (ie: forwarding from IG to Facebook) can affect the algorithms and your views on both platforms, so tend to do it as organically as possible. does sound very appealing however.
@Braden-Hallett I've had trouble with the hashtags not actually working when posting from desktop. Other people have reported the same issues. Check to make sure you're actually appearing in the hashtag searches when doing that.
(Apparently we're just not allowed to have nice things, because doing tags on the PC is sooo much easier)
wow @NessIllustration looks awesome thanks for the advice.