Enjoying Fall watercolor painting
Hey guys I haven't posted in forever but i'm going to try my best and start posting more often. Here's a watercolor+ink painting I recently finished. I tried different techniques like using a palette knife for some of the trees and using a sponge for the background and the big rock. I wish I didn't add those black grass lines at the base of the big rock though.
Wow, those textures came out great! I think you're onto something here, would love to see more. And I feel ya about posting, I have been terrible about posting here too.
love the texture and color, this is a lovely piece!
Hi Dan, You have a really nice style, and I really like your website! Its fun here!
You got some great texture going on. Credit Card works as well. You also have done some nice glazing work on the rock. Good looking painting. I like the theme!
Thanks everyone! @Rob i'll have to try that out.
I saw this and immediately loved it! Ga! So cute!
@bharris Thanks!
This looks very nice - are you apposed to taking the black grass out in photoshop? you could select that color range (black)and delete or erase or paint over the lines - might be easier if you isolate the bands of black grass on their own layer first so you don't mess with all of your black lines - I am a beginner with photoshop so there may be a much easier way - anyways looks very well done
Love it, including the black grass lines.
@Kevin-Longueil Thanks for the tip Kevin, but yea I rather not retouch with photoshop. With traditional paintings I like to keep them as close to the original as possible. And thanks Marsha
Loving the textures here . very nice
loving the details in the trees and textures, nicely done!