FINISHED! Artist Study: Mark Teague
Good work! I love copying and then I love taking the work in another direction. Can't wait to see your final!
Great idea. Learning from the masters is a great practice. Can't wait to see more!
Round 2. I focused on the girl and I feared this the most because her face is so small and I didn't want to over or under work the paint. When I use gouache, I tend to block in color and then almost immediately add water and begin pulling pigment and pushing the color to blend. Though sometimes you can work the blends later in the process with gouache, I've found many times that adding water say a day or two later just pulls up all the pigment leaving you with a gaping hole in your piece. My next step is to work the background together by adding trees, sky, shadow, and light to the ground.
Also, for those of you interested, this is from a book called Pancakes for Supper.
Keep it up!
looking good!
Love to see artist copies like this! This is where the learning really ramps up! We've had this sort of thing beaten out of us since grade school and I struggle to get my students to understand that it's not only essential - it's OK!
Wow! It looks really good! I will have to look at the link you sent. I also want to learn about gouache as I have never used it. I have done acrylic and water color mainly.
Thanks for the support everyone. @Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen Gouache is a versatile painting medium but can be frustrating at times because of its versatility. It can work like acrylic but it can also wash well like watercolor. I find that I tend to push and pull a lot with the paint. The original was done in oil, so there were some qualities that I struggled to reproduce, but overall I was happy with the results.
Finished! I really liked how this turned out. I wrote out a little more about my process on my blog
HERE. Up next, Digital version!
that look really good! I don't have any experience with Gauche but I like this.
Perfect! You really nailed it.
well done! Beautiful. A tip when your working on the digital version, try a green that fits the yellow more, like a green in the yellow section, rather than in the blue section it gives it more harmony
Beautifully done!
@Leontine Thanks! Yeah the highlights on the tree ended up a little too minty for me as well.