@beckporter really like this classic style approach to layout- I have two large collection of children stories that have a similar style.
@Qi Your use of color and textures are amazing Qi. You managed to captures the mood and color pallet of the sunset beautifully!
@Lorna-H When you submit your image make sure to press the image button instead of upload file. I see you uploaded a PDF but you need to make sure it is a jpg or png. Let me know if you have any questions.
@Qi Your use of color and textures are amazing Qi. You managed to captures the mood and color pallet of the sunset beautifully!
@cszoltan - that's so kind of you to say so! Looked at sunset photos I had taken over the years, learning some brush strokes from vids of acrylics artist Chuck Black (his sunsets are very impactful), and the foundations SVS classes listed. Really loved your playful Nightfall interpretation with a twist of fantasy - and wanted to ask, what is the tool that the little green monster is holding?
I just about finished the previous one and then iIrealized it was February. I really hope to submit to this one. I think i can come up with something good and possibly snail related.
@ColbyGreen hope to see your Jan and Feb illustrations. Even if the "deadline" has passed, there's no real deadline to you sharing your work or wip (if you want). Found your bio to be super interesting - I too switched over to art much much later - how did you find the transition from a conventional profession into teaching/arting?
@carolinedrawing Iv'e had dreams (at night) about an upside down world -I had considered it for this but alas I did not use it -hope to work on it in a later work.
@Braden-Hallett said in FEBRUARY CONTEST: NIGHTFALL:
Right under the wire
@Braden-Hallett can't stop looking at your illustration - such great contrast and the concept is clever way of showing Nightfall - night is literally falling! How did you come up with this super idea?
@2woleos I love this and absolutely understand it -to add I sometimes feel something might come through my mirror and grab me- so I irrationally not at all superstitious turn the lights on and look myself over in the mirror and remind myself there is no one else there -and even push to praying angels are protecting me on all sides-nothing will get through them.
@beckporter really like this classic style approach to layout- I have two large collection of children stories that have a similar style.
@KathrynAdebayo said in FEBRUARY CONTEST: NIGHTFALL:
@KathrynAdebayo this is like a mini graphic novel story. I'm studying composition, and how you've composed each frame and blended them together with colors, invisible lines and light to show a journey is incredible. Is the story based on something you've experienced?
Like @Chip-Valecek said: Holy Nightfall!! This is gonna be a tough competition!
The live critiques are scheduled for Mar 12 at 2pm MST. We'll be emailing the details soon.
Hope you can join, it'll be fun!
night is literally falling! How did you come up with this super idea?
absurd literalism is just a fun way to approach every situation
@Chip-Valecek - So sorry to take up your time with what are likely very obvious technological errors! I couldn’t find a way to reduce my image from Procreate to under 500kb without it being a PDF, please could you advise if there are ways to do this so I can send jpg or png (the file sizes were still too big when I converted to either of these formats). Thank you for your advice, it’s my first digital painting so I’m pretty clueless, apologies!
@Lorna-H hmm I am not a procreate user. Maybe someone else can share that info for you. If you want to email me the image I can resize it and add it into the slideshow. You can email it to cvalecek@gmail.com
@Lorna-H I'm new to procreate myself and not very tech savvy, so there may be better ways to do this, but here are some ways I'm aware of that you can try:
- merging as many layers as you can will shrink the file size a little
- Duplicate your file. Open the new one. Go to the wrench icon > canvas > crop and resize > make sure your dimensions are linked (both will be blue) and turn on resampling, then shrink your canvas size.
OR - You can copy the final image and paste it into a lower resolution file. For example if you're working in 300 dpi its storing a lot of pixel information, so you could open a new file at a lower resolution and paste it in. Obviously you'll lose some image quality but I assume most of us are viewing on small devices and wouldn't see the difference unless we tried to zoom in.
Hopefully, if there are better ways to do it someone else will chime in! Just thought I'd at least share what I know in case no one else sees this in time to be helpful.
@Heather-Boyd I had so much trouble planning out the drawing until I finally just turned it upside down!
So if you ever decide to draw the upside down world in your dreams don't be like me and try to draw it upside down! After I turned the drawing around and worked on it that way it was pretty fun, but it was meant to be in watercolor and I needed extra time for that.
@Braden-Hallett omg! this has got to be one of my personal favorites. freakin excellent
@beckporter I can tell you that in Photoshop when reducing the resolution to 72 dpi, I resize to approx 1200 pixals x 900 pixals. Then I sometimes need to reduce the .jpg from quality 12 to 11. If you need to edit your image you'll want to go back to the 300 dpi orig to do that, so save that first!
@beckporter I freaking love this.
@Lorna-H i also experience this a lot. Most of the time my illustrations are 300 dpi at 8x10 or 10x16 inches. What I do is I export the image as joeg. I open a new file at 300 dpi still but with dimensions below 10 inches like 4x5 or 6x8 etc. then I save it as a jpeg and I can now post it here.
@Heather-Boyd thank you for the comment—you're right, sometimes it's just superstitious thinking that leads us down the path of irrational fear and/or other emotions, but we just need to be mindful in whatever way that is, whether it's through prayer, meditation, mindfulness training to remember that we can be stronger than our fears. This is an expression of that inside feeling, and if it resonates with even just one person, then it's done it's job