Your published books : )
This is an awesome list! Love seeing everyone's great work. I've illustrated two books that were self published:
Don't Touch My Crown by Hamidah Abdul Rashid Things in Creation by Umm Mujahid Muhammad -
When I Look out my Window
Cupcakes for Sprinkles
Bree and the Nametag Worries
Bree and the Loose Tooth Worries
Bree and the Teddy Bear Worries (coming Aug 2020)All on Amazon-thanks so much!!!!!
Some are out, some are coming out this year and next:
For Sterling:
"If You Had Your Birthday Party on the Moon" (2019)
"The Little Rocket That Could" (2021)For PI Kids International:
"This Book is Upside Down" (April 2020)
"Beasties Love Booties" (later in 2020)For Scholastic Education:
"The Dinosaurs Dance"
"One by One"
"Goldilocks and the Three Bears"
"Dd - What Can Dinosaurs Do?"
"Qq - Quack"
(none of them on the trade market, as far as I know)For Thienemann Esslinger:
"Ein Mädchen Namens Willow" (January 2020) (cover and interiors)
"Schwesterherzen Band III " (2020) (cover)
"Die Wunderbaren Kinder des Herrn Tatu" (2020) (cover)For Amicus Publishing:
"My Room is a Zoo" (2020 or 2021 - not sure)
For Oetinger/Dressler
"Mila und die Geheime Schule" (2020, cover and interiors)
For Pragma Media:
"SOIC and SOT" (2018)
"TSSOP gets Zapped" (2019
"One Hot Day" (2019)For Rizzoli/Mondadory: four school anthologies (for Italian Schools).
@smceccarelli damn you've been busy! That's awesome
@Braden-Hallett I could finally go full time in October! Now I only have to hope it holds on like that!
@peteolczyk You've got this!
Hi @smceccarelli, you’re such an inspiration! Absolutely LOVE your work.
@smceccarelli wow!
Thanks for the opportunity to share our work!
Last year I illustrated the book 'Amazing Race' for author Kate Hernandez and publisher Salt & Light Publishing:
And I previously illustrated 'The Big Rescue Bible' for Bible Society Australia: few years before that, before I discovered SVS, I illustrated a version of Black Beauty for QED Publishing too: -
@MattBaker Looks great Matt. Well done!
@Judy-Elizabeth-Wilson Thank you Judy
@Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen I would like to add another book called, The Dog Likes the Cat (and a Fish.) a very simple, rough, easy to read digital book.
Hi Forum! I finished the final art for my first picture book in April, and the publisher released the cover last month. Imagine a Wolf (Page Street Kids 2021) will be out in the world January 12, 2021, distributed by Macmillan.
SVS Learn continues to be an integral part of my first-book journey. I discovered 3 Point Perspective when I was still in the rough thumb stage - the podcast totally fed my process and helped me immensely. There is always something in the conversation relevant to what I’m doing or thinking about (or should be doing/thinking about!)…and now I’ve been an SVA member for a couple of months and I’m loving the forum, monthly prompts and classes. Thank you!
@Lucky-Platt Thanks Lucky! And congrats!
Congratulations @Lucky-Platt!
Big Congratulations @Lucky-Platt
Here's mine
Only a small charity project but you've got to start somewhere