APRIL CONTEST: Lisa's robot invention worked great, until it did this...
@theprairiefox love the collage elements
it really adds something!
(sorry it's sideways) Lisa's robot invention worked great, until it ran through a stop sign.....
Sorry it's sideways, my first time posting on here.
@EliaMurrayArt thanks. This was my first attempt at anything related to paper-cutting/collage. I learned a lot.
I love the depth that is added by the collage.
I also loved that I could redo each element individually. I went through 3-4 revisions of the girl and 2-3 of the robot.
@EliaMurrayArt yours has such a stop motion film quality to it, I can totally imagine it as an animation still. Really lovely. I'm trying to limit myself to only building with paper, super fun!
@Lucky-Platt Thanks! I actually worked on it traditionally first, than I scanned it and touched it up a little.
@Lucky-Platt oops sorry
@Joe-Tannous I'd recommend editing your post and re-uploading it in the right orientation. With all the hard work you put in, give it the presentation it deserves.
@TessaW Thanks! I'll try to re post it right side up.
Right side up version of "Lisa's robot invention worked great, until it ran through a stop sign".
Many time watcher but first time playing along.
This was super fun to work on. I love seeing everyone's versions. They are all so encouraging. -
@jdubz I really love this one. Great textures and love the joke. Well done
Early morning on Mother's Day.
@fullerj I really like the creative lighting here. The girl's hair is really nicely lit. Well done
@Neha-Rawat I love this, so cute! Just like a dog
@bradyblack Thank you Brady. This is all new to me. I love yours too, that facial expression is priceless! I'm afraid I don't even know how to reply at your picture w/o being at the end of the forum (?)
I try every month but always miss the deadline. Not this time. I'm gonna sit this right here and see what happens!
Here is my submission for April Contest: Lisa's robot invention worked great, until it did this...
I had a lot of fun doing this artwork. Enjoy, everyone! -
@fullerj hahhah!!! me either. I think it will pop up in the notifications, but honestly i have no idea either. Hopefully you can find this comment too