Here's a little bird, basically the cartoon bird version of me, enjoying her alone time away from the bustling world. I've really loved seeing everyone's work so far!
@sarahlash Could someone let me know if this looks blurry to you? It seems blurry on my screen, but I'm not sure if it's just me.
@sarahlash Looks crisp to me
@KathrynAdebayo Ok, thanks!
@aprilshin I love how it turned out! Great work
Here's mine. I wasn't sure if I was going to come up with one but the live demo I did on Saturday gave me an idea that I just went with and ended up really liking the final drawing.
To me isolation isn't at all a negative thing and I think sometimes we forget how function without hustle, bustle, and stress of modern life coupled with constantly being around people. I'm one of those weird people that likes going to the movies or dinner by myself, but I also really like hanging out with people too.
So I thought I'd go with my frog just having a grand ol' time on the water with some fireflies, his pal the many faced moon and some music
@jdubz this is beautiful! Love the mood you've got here.
@jdubz I really like this one!
Here's mine! It was great to have time off work this month to work on it. I really enjoyed the isolation, so I wanted to do something that reflected the peace and calm of being alone, and I wanted to make it a simple scene with not-too-bright colors. I'm fairly happy with how it turned out.
@Mirananemone Thanks so much! Your feedback helped push me in the right direction!
@Kat Aw this turned out so great!!
@aprilshin Thanks! It was fun to do.
@jdubz this is gorgeous and moody, love it!
@chrisaakins this has a really nice range of emotion
@aprilshin love love the shape of your whale and how you created depth with the shadow of the fish on the whale -I had considered that as well. I think it's so interesting how so many of us have a water element in our work, water = isolation good and bad and a little in between.
@jdubz I love how your story telling and your style is improving. I'd like to get away and return to a lake, and if I was a frog I could eat up all the mosquitoes that thought they could bite into me. lols Thanks,
@Kat Just lovely esp. that tree! It is so well watercolour ed (not a word but no matter).
@Lucky-Platt aw thanks!