@Diana-Rozevskis awww, thank you so much!!! That means a great deal, I’ve struggled with it a lot.
I think everything I've drawn in my sketchbook this month has been about isolation haha
But this one felt more positive and poetic so I thought it deserved a proper finish
@Corlaart beautiful, I love this!
It's been WAAAAY too long since I've jumped into this awesome forum. I've missed this so much!!
Here is my "Isolation" entry...loosely based on my family life. Before, during, and after quarantine!
@ArtofAleksey thanks I appreciate it! Lots of great submissions so far this month and we're just barely 2/3 the way in.
Thank you so much, it means a lot!
@Corlaart well done. Great colours and interesting image idea.
@Corlaart Wow, Laurine, this is gorgeous! So curious as to what the rest of your sketchbook contains!
@ArtofAleksey I like the idea of it being like an old photograph! My kids too school pictures today and it's incredibly easy to spot what time this is in because they're all 6 feet apart
@jdubz yeah! I wanted to make it like a historical moment. Thanks for understanding can always rely on you.
@Kat @Bricz.Art thanks so much
@aprilshin haha mostly houses without windows or doors (that's when I get sad) or me talking to a goldfish... You know, your general self isolated daily life
@Corlaart WOW!!!! This is stunning! I love it. Love the colors, the concept the interesting linework. all of it. I'd hang it in my house
Hi Everyone!
Here is my submission for "Isolation." I'm a new member of SVS and this is my first contest entry. I hope you enjoy!
Josh Dages -
@Corlaart I love this. Love the colours and the lighting, grabbed my attention right away!
@Joshua-Dages Love your style! Kind of reminds me of Maurice Sendak in vivid color.
@Corlaart This is beautiful! I love the colors and the contrast.
@jdubz Really nice perspective. I feel like I'm there.
@sarahlash Wow, thanks! Glad you like it!