He's an imposing guy, I think you made him almost likable... if someone didn't know the history, they'd never know from your piece how messed up he is... as to not doing pics of people like this, well that's debatable. On the one hand, people have drawn Julius Caesar, Napolean, these are not " innocent " men by any standard. They accomplished great things, but their death tally is usually forgotten. With Suge, the implication is that he caused the death of two people with much more significance then himself. The world lost 2 great rappers, this guy's life ain't gonna make up for that, no matter how hard he tries... you did him justice, but yeah, he's not liked.
Artistically follow your gut, even if you offend someone, you don't create art just for beauty's sake, some times it's to keep the conversation going. By seeing your work of him, people discuss Tupac and Biggie, and in my opinion that evens out the why of you having drawn him. Keep being real bro, that's all you can do. Peace.
PS: Ever since seeing your work, I am fiending for some Old School. I didn't appreciate them as much when they were hot, but I had friends who kept me current. They're gone now, so when I listen to that music, it makes me sentimental believe it or not. Well and want to dance. I've been playing Xmas songs working on my 3rd Thursday Santa piece for so long, I could use the break... buh babybaby... oh no it's starting!