Lucy and Pigasso. A comic book... sort of...
@animatosoor Hi, thank you a lot for the kind words. I am really happy that you like my comics ( kind of) It is a lot of fun making it, but it is also a little exhausting. Actually it is going soon to its end but I already have an idea for a part 2.
Thank you again for your message, it makes me really happy.
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@neschof - That's the way I saw it, too.
The only thing is, I'm reading the panels left to right, then top to bottom, so the 3rd panel (bottom left) has the second hand going counter-clockwise compared to the previous frame. But I think that was intentional(?). Sometimes it seems like the clock is going backward, and I have seen clocks that do kind of jump back a little as they tick forward (if that makes sense).
These two characters are very cute. I like your drawing style, and I think it's fun that you have 'day off' illustrations!
@Miriam yes you are right, I messed up this clock.
thanks for pointing out your confusion. From my point of view was ok, but now... I am not so sure. Actually, I see where the problem is. Thanks again. It is so nice here in svs forum.
@Miriam do you have some social media to follow your art?
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