Ready to upload to KDP but... I have a trim question
Hi All,
I have been busy, despite thinking I wouldn't be doing any art for a while, I finished one of my projects today. It isn't perfect but it will be fine. Now, I always have this question and I should knw it by now but, I'd like some input on my print size:All the images are scanned at 8 X !0 inches print size.
Now, have tried to leave enough space in all areas so that it won't be trimmed anywhere that is important.If I enter 8 X 10 inches as the trim size on kdp, and the image is already 8 x 10 inches, do I need to put a smaller trim size for the book when entering the info?
I think you need to allow .25 inches on all sides, if so I would put 7.75 x 9.75.
On the cover, I will load the front and back as one image, I believe it needs to be .25 inches bigger on each side so that means it would be 16 x 10.
Does that sound right to all of you techy people out there? Thanks! Here's the tiny view of my book. Finished, NOT perfect, as usual
@Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen KDP actually contains full specifications for all bleeds and trims. You do have to hunt for it a bit but the information is within KDP. Yes, you'll have to load the cover as a separate document. How many inner pages have you got? Front cover + Back cover + blank inner front + blank inner back = 4pp plus how many text pages? I am counting and I see 26pp? You can also download a PDF template for each cover size from KDP which you can sit your artwork over the top of to check that you have the right amount of bleed etc. It's NOT the most intuitive site to follow but the info is all on there. Hope that helps. Cheers Jane
I'm familiar with KDP as I have about 4 books on there. I just always have to play around with the trim sizes because mine don't match the norm usually. I was just hoping to save some trouble by getting it right the first time
I'm not concerned about the page numbers because I am self publishing. Thanks for your reply! I'll try my numbers and see if they work. Thanks again.