Tell me your conference stories!
I started reinventing myself into a children's book illustrator in December and when I looked at 2020 conferences, I couldn't tell if I would be ready, especially considering the expense involved. I've only ever been to librarian conferences. Now that illustration is part of my daily life, I wish I were able to pick up whatever work I happened to have and go meet people that understand what it's like to work at this every day.
In one of the 3 point perspective episodes, they talked about how to know if you're 'over-conferencing' and something else that might be a clue in how we sometimes do the work around the thing as a way to avoid the work. But I think right now it's the opposite: if I were to walk into a room of illustrators, my introverted self would be so energized I wouldn't even need to talk to anyone to feel that fresh motivation.
Since I can't meet new people right now and I'm facing the 20/21 school year as 100 percent distance learning (
), I would love it if you shared any conference stories - why you chose a particular one, how they compared, your prep, bumping into someone famous, things that went wrong, anything!