Introduction to Prop Design - Looking for fellow 'classmates'
I am going for a tropical beach theme. Here are my silhouettes.
Ok, got some silhouettes done for the first assignment. Was thinking of what type of lamp a squirrel might have in its nest. This is the best thumbnail. I'd show the rest, but the 3yo Phantom of the Art Studio has decided to use markers with my silhouettes and thumbnails and they're all covered in technicolor scribbles now.
detailed sketch/structure of table. going over it another time to get it better
I think this is the final setup for my plumber's standing lamp – looking forward to rendering it... :-]
@PieterVanDerBeek I just got through the Light & Shadow class, and I'll be starting this class today! Really excited
Everyone's work is looking very creative and awesome. -
@PieterVanDerBeek that looks amazing.
I decided to do a simple design.
@Jacy13 Awesome – welcome to the club! :-]
 Here is my lamp progress! Any critue welcome, am I getting proportion and shape and harmony and contrast? So much to think about!
@PieterVanDerBeek I like the extra width and more joints at the bottom, it balances it nicely
@charitymunoz I feel like we were on similar brach-lamp vibes! I like how the light looks like a bug and also a blossom at the same time.
@Mairin-Kareli I was going for what a squirrel would have in it's nest (my 9yo's suggestion). We determined it would use a lightning bug, but it would have to treat it well, like a pet - hence the grass at the bottom and perchlike structure for the "lamp". I love all the twists and shapes you gave yours!! Great job!
Here is my page of silhouettes! Took me a lot longer than it should have, but it was my first time doing an exercise like this. I hope that each time I do this exercise; I can get a little faster with it.
My concept was a flamingo lamp designed for the Queen of Hearts from Alice In Wonderland. I imagined Alice In Wonderland with a steampunk aesthetic. The ones circled in blue are the ones I decided to take to the thumbnail stage
@Jacy13 Ooh I love the shapes! :-]
Here's my first render attempt...
@charitymunoz cool idea about a squirrels nest!
I am really struggling to draw this lamp in 3/4 top down, I have redraw it like 4 times ... I think I picked some tricky shapes! Any help would be appreciated - Thank you!
This is the best looking attempt so far. sigh It needs cleaning up obviously, but perspective wise ....
Tried again, OK I will stop spamming this thread now. Thanks for looking
@PieterVanDerBeek Thank you!