Where can I buy your book?
I have some self published books on Amazon.com under my name, Marsha Ottum Owen. I'm not sure how professional they are but Uncle Carl Has a Chicken On His Head! Looks pretty good and little kids seem to enjoy it a lot
I have two in progress. One is under review but I would say your best bet is the Uncle Carl Book if you want the best quality. I still consider myself as a budding author illustrator, not a master.
I've got two books on Amazon that I worked with an indpendent author on. They're part of a series to promote literacy in the California Central Valley.
Benny, The Librarian, and The Dog That Needed A Home: https://www.amazon.com/Benny-Librarian-That-Needed-Home/dp/B08CW9LVQ3/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=benny+the+librarian+and+the+dog+that+needed+a+home&qid=1599767568&sr=8-1