Where can I buy your book?
@Gary-Wilkinson This is one I did last year for a friend that had wrote it for his 4 year old daughter.
Thanks for the post on yours coming up. I added it to my wish list - my kids are right in that sweet spot.
@MattBaker Thanks for the link Matt, i'm going to add it to my order list!
@NessIllustration Got you book ordered through book depository as they shipped to Japan without crazy shipping costs. Looking forward to reading it with my son!
@jdubz Looks like a fun book. Another one for the next order
Also, i'm sorry if people got the impression I am trying to ask you to my my book, and I really appreciate the messages of support, but i'm more interested in adding to my book collection with your books
However........ if you do wish to lend a hand and get it for free as an ebook, I believe that today and tomorrow you can download it on amazon (presumably any country) in an effort to build up some reviews (be they good or bad) before it's officially released in print in October.
@Gary-Wilkinson Alas, I couldn't get it in Australia, I'll wait for the print.
Not really children’s books but..... https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/StutteringisCool
More like little self-help books with comics for people who stutter that all ages can enjoy. -
@hakepe Excellent work! I really like how much character you put into the dog!
Hi @Gary-Wilkinson, if you copied that link from Amazon, there’s a little something called the tattle-tale URL link, which tells Amazon that the link came from you. It’s time stamped in the code.
Check out this article for more information.
https://kindlepreneur.com/amazon-search-url-isbn-ref/ -
@Gary-Wilkinson That's so kind, thank you! I hope you enjoy the book!
@danielerossi Thank you
Your Franky Banky character looks quite interesting by the way.
@hakepe Thank you. Not many people realize he is a fox. I guess I should take the character design course
I have some self published books on Amazon.com under my name, Marsha Ottum Owen. I'm not sure how professional they are but Uncle Carl Has a Chicken On His Head! Looks pretty good and little kids seem to enjoy it a lot
I have two in progress. One is under review but I would say your best bet is the Uncle Carl Book if you want the best quality. I still consider myself as a budding author illustrator, not a master.
I've got two books on Amazon that I worked with an indpendent author on. They're part of a series to promote literacy in the California Central Valley.
Benny, The Librarian, and The Dog That Needed A Home: https://www.amazon.com/Benny-Librarian-That-Needed-Home/dp/B08CW9LVQ3/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=benny+the+librarian+and+the+dog+that+needed+a+home&qid=1599767568&sr=8-1