help me work on shapes composition drawings`
is there an exercise you guys/girls can think of , or know, to practice my shapes balance/unity with shapes?
both in focal points and in the items/characters?anything that helped you gain more insight?
perhaps i need to first start drawing/reference with big simple shapes to get a feel of it first?
hi @arielg ,
One of the best ways to learn is to "copy" the masters. That means find artist that you really like the way they do their compositions and try to study them to understand how they work space and shapes.
Now with photoshop or illustrator that can be a very fast process.
Here I share some studies I did on composition and value work of one of my favourites artist David Sierra Liston.
Frist you study, try to understand how they work the space, the shapes etc, compare it to your work and see what needs to improve.Second, You try to apply what you learn in your own artwork.
Third, compare again, see on what you improved and what still lacks and need more work.
Repeat until you are satisfied
its a good idea, I need to make a list of my favourite artists first then...
@Jordi-Ventura David Sierra is my favorite as well!
What an artist!
when i look at these kind of works: have no idea where to start and how that color thing works so well for him.