Art and Injuries
@Neha-Rawat Thank you for these! They were very helpful. I'm on a mission to get my workspace setup and posture as perfect as possible!
I've had to alter my art process to accommodate various things--neck pain, migraines, wrist and elbow pain... Doing regular yoga/pilates to stretch and strengthen the core and improve posture is very helpful. And I take breaks when I need it--skipping a day or two and finding something else to work on is worth it if needed after I push things too far.
I found that the Wacom website has some tips for ergonomics -
@xin-li Thanks
@sigross I finally got my iPad and already I see a HUGE difference in the way I work. Yesterday was the first time in two weeks I was able to draw for longer than a couple of minutes (granted, I may have also overdid it a liiiiittle bit, but that's another story). Now the trick is trying to make myself realize that I'm not completely healed yet while still not being afraid to pick up a pencil (or Apple Pencil) once again.
@lpetiti That's great to hear. iPad's are brilliant! I love the ipencil, it's perfect for drawing with. My first stylus was like a giant crayon, they've come a long way since then.