Hello from Philippines
Hello Donna,
I too am a graphic artist by day and keeps the fire burning by night doing art.
A good resource that has helped me to keep “pushing the pencil “ is https://www.youtube.com/yourcreativepush
There is even a Will Terry interview in there. I think it is episode 363.
Just remember as Artist we are all on same quest together, finding how our art fits into this world. So just keep dreaming your dreams and “pushing the pencil “ and as Your Creative Push tag line says “ The Universe Needs Your Your Creations”.
Happy Inktobering.
Kevin -
@donnamakesart why hello kababayan! Welcome to the forums. We have a great community here. Hopefully, you’ll like it here. I’m from the Visayas. Which part of the Philippines are you from?
@Kevin-Wilkins thank you for the recommendation. Will check that episode out!
Honestly can’t stop drawing if I wanted to haha, but your encouragement is a great reminder
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Mabuhay! Haha. Living in Metro Manila. How’s it going in your area?
@donnamakesart it’s kinda ok. We recently got a few cases of covid in our town. We were lucky to have no cases in past few months but it looks like covid is finally catching up to us.
Welcome to the group!
@donnamakesart Welcome!
@donnamakesart welcome to the forum! I hear you , I’m an introvert too. But, lockdown has me craving adult interaction almost as much as alone time. Especially since most of my day is filled with managing distance learning kids.
good job on sticking with Inktober this far! 30 drawings for 30 days is not as easy as it sounds.
@donnamakesart Welcome! Hope you enjoy the forums and find that little oomph you need
@Elliot definitely. Thank you for he kind words
I've been stalking some threads haha and the community here is amazing!
@Pamela-Fraley thank you
yes daily challenges are definitely tough but determined to finish it his year haha
Welcome to the forum! Love your work! And I think you will find this a good place to be an extroverted introvert
Thanks @LauraA ! This is the first forum I’ve joined actively to be honest :)) still figuring out what goes where, but have been enjoying reading up on the threads
Hi Donna
I've recently gotten into that mindset of pushing myself to see what I can create and I create good when I do. I am happy you have come out to be more social online. I use to be far more shy; God has used uncomfortable experiences in my life to empower me to be more bold and brave. I hope and pray you find your place. And inktober2020 is almost finished -keep going!!!