NEED HELP- Having Cintiq Troubles Again
@Shyam-Sailus hi! Yes, I’m already using the HDMI cables. It was the usb-c that fell into the water. I just bought my cintiq last February so I think the warranty still stands.
@Dima-Eichhorn thank you! Unfortunately I don’t know anyone who has a cintiq in my town.
So sorry, Nyrryl!! Good luck!!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Flood water can dirty connections too, so worth getting some Isopropyl to clean contacts on devices. Also the evaporating water can dampen electronics even if they don't go in the water just from the moisture in the air.
Whenever my camera ever got soaked in the rain after photographing storms, I'd use Isopropyl because it dries out the moisture as well as cleaning it of corrosive liquids. I know people have suggested the rice trick but I think this is a bad idea as liquid/dirty water corrodes quickly. Rice will not stop this. Wiping it with a towel would be more successful. Anything that absorbs liquid is good!
A dehumidifier would be a decent investment as it removes the excessive moisture in the air from water damage. Wall sockets might have water in too.
@sigross thank you! This is very helpful.
@Nyrryl-Cadiz I hope you get it sorted!
@sigross hi! I think there’s no salvaging my cables. I’ve ordered some new cables online. Hopefully, theyll solve problem. I don’t even want to think of the alternative
@Nyrryl-Cadiz It's worth contacting the ifixit community. I like fixing my own stuff and this is a good place to start to ask questions. I think most electronic fixes are covered on here. There's a search box at the top - -
UPDATE! Hello everyone! I just got my new cables today. I plugged them in and they work! My cintiq is up and running again! ALL IS WELL IN THE WORLD!!!
Thank you so much for all of your support.
Yayyyyyyy! That is great news!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Yes!!!! Happy days!!!
@K-Flagg @Judy-Elizabeth-Wilson Thanks, guys!