Feedback welcome.
Looking for feedback, what! could help my work? Still figuring out digital painting. Thanks in advance.
@erinrew Very sweet Christmas scene..I love the POV! very well done. In my opinion there's a bit of awkwardness with the window placement and the childfox's head. I understand wanting to have the window as part of the scene but I might try it without just for clarity sake. Overall, I think it's a lovely illustration.
Hi there ! Cool textures and illustration !
The only thing, at first glance, it gives the feeling like the cute fox is in a kind of prison? Does this makes sense? Maybe if we could see the top of ramp... or adding an playful object near the fox like a toy or a plush toy... But cool work, time for the Christmas season !
Hi @erinrew , lovely illustration. I just think the body angle of the raccoon Santa is slightly off. I think it's just the way the hand is stretched.
If I'm really going into the details, it's a bit unusual that there is a fire burning upon only one wood - maybe adding some more? It looks like a really clean fireplace. -
@erinrew I also got the impression the fox was in prison! I think because the railing is so high. Also the fox's body type looks like an adult more than a child. I would try smaller body, shorter/chubbier limbs, bigger head.
Thank you everyone. You’ve given me some good things to think about and work on.
I would try to identify your light sources, and if they are on-camera light, make sure they are the brightest thing in the scene. I did a quick paint-over of your illustration to show you what I mean, I hope you don't mind:
@Matthew-Oberdier Thank you Matthew. It looks great. I chickened away from going to dark, but I think deep down I know it’s what it needed.