Regular jobs and illustration time
Wow, how did I miss this thread? Sounds like we all pretty much understand each other. And now, despite the struggles I've had to try and "make it" as an artist, I also now feel that I'm in a much better place than I could be. I happen to have an awesome husband who is an engineer and makes enough to support us. He is happy that I make some money freelancing and is happy to let me us a lot of that money trying to promote myself with postcards and conferences and such--moving forward with high hopes.
My big wild card is that we have a baby coming in a few months. I am very round right now ;-). We are really really excited, but I just don't know how I'm going to manage my schedule after that. I do want to be the one at home taking care of her, but I also want to be the one at home drawing ;-). We'll just have to see what works I guess, every kid is different.