Hello :)
welcome! very lovely illustrations!
Welcome! That first piece would have made for a great holiday card. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Very nice Bernadetta, and welcome to the forum! I really like that bear!
Hello Bernadetta Your work is very nice
Once again, thank you very much and welcome everyone
Bernadetta, welcome to the family and your artwork is awesome so keep it up. Look forward to more conversation in the future.
Welcome to the forum! I love forest animal illustrations. Can't go wrong there!
Thank you so much, I'm really surprised you all like it
@sergio About 15 years ago I started to paint traditionally - with pastel, oil, pencils, coal. Then my life has deeply changed, my career went in a different direction and instead of beeing artist I finished..... German studiesThree years ago my first child was born, sooo.... it's hard now to use oil
I started to learn how to draw with tablet, but sometimes I also use pencils. And how bout you?
My life did also change sudenly many years ago. I have had to suspend the university, accept a job as industrial designer and leave behind my dreams as illustrator.
Of course, it wasn´t as simple as that. Many bad things happened. Anyway, I did learn a lot.
Last year I did decide to restart some old dreams, to draw professionally included. At the university I was considered a talented illustrator, so my first new drawings, decades later, makes me fill disappointed and glumed.
Nonetheless, I did decide to wear my warrior costume and fight. So, here I am. being in good and inspirational company, as you can see.