Environment Design question
Hi team of SVS! @Will-Terry @Jake-Parker
I tried to find a class for how to design an organic environment. The course "Creative Environment Design" helped a bit, but I had to go to YouTube to find what I was looking for. As it looks like you guys are working on this topic right now for the curriculum, here is a question: Could you try to acquire Phil Dimitriadis for teaching about creating organic environments? On his YouTube channel, I've already found very good videos on drawing organics. Now, for creating a hilly forest environment I watched this: Drawing Organic Environments. Very good stuff! But I had to dig it out. There's a lot of construction going on on straight plains and with cubic or round objects, but it's so hard to find a guide to organicly shaped environment.
How's the new courses going? When can we expect them to be out?
Thank you!