Gaëlle Grasély, aka Gaëlle Grizzly Featured for March!
The featured student for March was Gaëlle Grasély, aka Gaëlle Grizzly! The Q&A with Gaëlle is up on the blog. Below is an introduction to the Q&A that Kathryn Adebayo (@KATHRYNADEBAYO) conducted with Gaëlle:Here lies the tale, in her own words, of a writer and illustrator with a true love for stories. Gaëlle Grasély may have traveled through many valleys of self-exploration to arrive at the conclusion that she was meant to follow her life-long dream, but since then, she has been taking great strides up the slopes of progress. Hear about her idea for contributing to a rare book genre, her thoughts on social media, her advice and her goals in this heartfelt interview.
Read the whole Q&A on the blog.
@LisaF awesome! Way to go @Gaelle-Grizzly always inspired by your stuff!
@LisaF @Gaelle-Grizzly congratulations!!!
Congratulations @Gaelle-Grizzly!!! Your work is amazing!
Congratulations @Gaelle-Grizzly, your work is so awesome! Looking forward to seeing the illustrations for your book of the cheetah and the gardener.
@Gaelle-Grizzly Congratulations! Your Yeti home was stunning!
@LisaF Thanks for posting it! I didn't realize it was out there yet... I have my heads in the clouds sometimes.
@KathrynAdebayo Thanks a lot again for the interview! You're such a nice person
@Asyas_illos Thanks a lot, I'm very pleased to read that! I'll try to stay inspiring as long as possible!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Thank you!
@Jeremy-Ross Many thanks. I'm glad you like it
@ruth Thank you. The first cheeta's illustrations will come in a month or so at the ealiest.. I'm currently doing the book dummy.
@Jeremiahbrown Thanks a lot! I spent a lot of time on that yeti home! And congratulation for your new book!
So much joy sending to you!
@Gaelle-Grizzly I loved your interview.
Can't wait to read your illustrated novels! Hope my intro wasn't too cheesy.