Q: Studies, how close to Originals?
I recently found major inspiration in the artist Damitri Pantazis (check out his instagram). I really dig the style of work and it's helped me understand how I'd like to approach a project I'm working on. Now the question:
When studying from another artist how close do you all get to their original work?
I'm on the fence on how close I should make my study. Half of me says to go verbatim while the other half of me says to do it but to work my style into the study as well. Thoughts?
I posted about this a few years back. Here's what I did:
Thank you for the link @davidhohn. I see how you approached it was to go as close as possible. Like others on that forum I learned in my mind early on that copying was not okay/professional. Seeing others with the same struggle and successes of copies takes that burden off my shoulders a bit more. I will give "as close as" a go and see how I grow.
PS. Man, Lee is hard core with his burns. Did you ever get him back for that Jesus re-paint thang?
PS. Man, Lee is hard core with his burns. Did you ever get him back for that Jesus re-paint thang?
I'm sorry -- did you NOT see that cuttingly sarcastic, emoji-laden post I made about sampling colors‽ Yeah me too! That was basically a mic drop moment.
(and honestly I forgot there was even a thread following my initial post
Hah! I did, I did but the emoji was before his comparison post (which was interesting in of itself). Looking back at it, you did deliver some heat too with the Kenard Pak link.
I think my study is coming along fairly well but time will tell. Thank you for taking the time David.