Making a Patreon and any insights on starting one
Hello Fellow SVS'ers. Er SVS folks...Lol
Does anyone Professional or (semi) non Professional have any Patreon startup success stories and any assoicated marketing/advertising insights on starting one? I wonder if this could be a potential 3Point perspective Podcast.
A little Backstory:
My career has been in Web Design/Development and after 10 years, It just doesnt fit who I am anymore as a person. Its highly depressing and the rewards for success to me don't tip the balance in a better quality of life. It actually was My Plan B!I do realize that just making a Patreon and hoping for luck is not practical BUT i'd rather put in an effort in everywhere I can to be successful now or further down the line.
I do not have one but Comic Lab just did an episode on Patreon. They’ve discussed before but this was a deep dive:
I don’t know anything about Patreon but I wanted to say I think “Story-Tellers” is a good collective noun for SVS forum members
Highlights from the episode where they were breaking down ideas for someone starting a webcomic:
Tier (potential) Breakdown:
- Support tier (No rewards) - start at $2, not $1. The return at $1 is not worth it.
- Digital exclusive or Early Access tier - $5. For the exclusive, low to mid level demand or level of effort. Side stories for an ongoing comic. Small pieces of an ongoing/collection of story as a PDF. Process videos
- High Demand Exclusives tier - $10. Side stories more appealing to a bigger part of the audience. Live draws on Twitch. Community specific rewards. High res art/pinups.
- Commission tier - $20. Pays out a reward every 2 or 3 months
- Digital Commission tier - $50. Limited availability. Something you can use as an exclusive for another tier.
Exclusive content is key. Patreons can only get these items there.
Research what others in your field are doing on Patreon and make note of what rewards they offer and what you can similarly do.
Let the backers know what is in it for them!
Keep the tier descriptions short.
Be confident.
Understand that Patreon is not the place to grow your audience.
Also understand that your backers want more of you and it's impossible to spam them with too much .