My Creative Composition Workbook and Exercises
Hi Everyone.
I'm working through the C.C. Workbook and exercises, so I thought I'd post what I have done here.
All feedback welcome, so if you spot some way I could improve these, or things to work on let me know.Here's the 1st 15 pages:
You' ve worked hard! good job! I wish I would find the discipline to work myself trough the workbook as wel. cant wait to see more!
Excellent!! Really great work here!
@NickA - it is really great to see all of this work you have done. Really nice!
I'm really glad to see you going through the exercises! I really hope it helps the way you think and compose drawings!
Thank you everyone. This course has been a great help so far.
I'm up to the last exercise. Right now, I'm trying to think up some good thumbnails for a salamander hiding from a squirrel in a forest.Tricky, but I think I can stretch there.
Here's the rest of my work in the meantime:
Really fantastic work!!
Thank you Charlie.
Here's my attempt at the final exercise of the workbook. At first I had quite a bit of trouble with the the thumbs. I wasn't sure I could find anything to work from. On the next day of thumbnailing, something came up that I was happy to work from.
I'm tempted to clean up the final image a bit, swap the question marks for broken love hearts and submit it to the 3rd thursday critique.
I wonder if it would count?Here's the thumbs and final image. Critiques welcome.
I´m doing this workbook right now, But i´m a little lost at the first exercise. I´m having difficulties to understand what to do, and how can I do this. I know that Will previously has explained this at the video, but I only understood the third step, which is creating your own.
So, about page 1, Can anyone help me and explain what´s the difference between the first and the second step?
And, how can I do the third one? i´m really finding it really difficult.
i´m sorry if it was already explained somewhere, but i´m not finding it.Thank you for the help, guys!