Character development - would love your opinion!
For me number 1 stands out the most and I think fits the text description. She looks open, friendly and curious. Number 2 and 4 read for me as a bit more shy and 3 as more calm and mature. They all look great though, really nice work!
@Kevin-Longueil wow, thanks for doing that! You confirmed what I thought might be the case. Well, it's one opinion anyway. Everyone sees things a little differently, which is so interesting!
Yes, I always tell a client that we can mix and match features if they feel a character needs just a little tweaking. But I also warn them it's very much like plastic surgery -- any changes will change how the character looks and is perceived. But it's always good to have options.
Hi @Melissa-Bailey-0, I like 1 and 4 the best, but 1 seems to capture your description best. 2 and 3 are also really good, but have a chapter feel to them.
Is this for a picturebook or chapterbook?
@Michael-Angelo-Go thanks for sharing your opinion. It's so appreciated!
@TaniaGomesArt wow, thanks so much! The eyes have it for me, too. One of my all-time favorite things to draw! (Sometimes I hold off on finishing the eyes on a piece as sort of a reward for doing the boring stuff.)
@Janette thanks for the input! Yes, it's a challenge to illustrate 8-to-9-year-olds because they're at that stage in their life where it can be really difficult to guess their age. My niece was a very mature-looking 9-year-old. When I was 9 I looked about 6!
Reproducing the hair is actually the least of my worries -- it's a "simple" 3-step process in Procreate and easy to replicate. Some of the facial features will be more of a challenge to draw consistently, so I'm secretly hoping my client doesn't choose those options! (Of course, not impossible -- I wouldn't offer an option I didn't think I could render consistently -- but definitely a challenge.)
@Sabrina-Gosselin thanks for sharing your perspective. Really nice to hear.
@Asyas_illos this character is definitely a princess!
Thanks for the feedback!
@Ellinor thank you! And thanks for the feedback on each character. All the feedback I've been getting is super helpful!
@Jeremy-Ross thanks! This is for a chapter book -- the story never states how old the character is but the character brief says she's meant to be around 8-9. That's why we stuck with b&w for the character sketches -- I wanted to make sure that the values were right.
I think 1 best illustrates the description. Really nice illustrations.
@KGatto thank you! ️
Late to the party but if you are still looking for feedback, I'd say #4. #1 looks the most bright eyed and playful but also looks younger. For me #4 combines both the creative playful soul look and the age. (They're all great.)