Share your Inktober projects!
@TheArtBard oh non don’t ever be embarrassed of your works. You put so much effort and time on it it deserves your love even if you’re not 100% happy. I sometimes post the art work I’m not really proud of, but just because I invested my time in it. And also to see my progress once I will be better. So any art deserves our attention
@TheArtBard much much better now! I’m proud of you
he is so cute. Nice job
And thank you for liking my works actually I wasn’t really ready for Inktober so I have to draw every day sometimes without having idea what to make next, as I try to make a story haha. For now I’m ok. I guess
Not sure
Days 9- 12!
I am currently having much fun with this inktober!
Also I begin to bond with my characters, Ed & Ron!
Anyways, is it just me or this years prompts are harder to create something unique?
Or I have this issue cause english is a foreign language to me?Anyways, how is your inktober guys?
Inktober 2021 day 11- sour:
Gummy worms were good, sour patch kids were ok, but Sour gummy ants were Esmerelda the anteaters favourite! They were almost too good to share. Chocolate Ants were a close second, but eating 35, 000 ants a day made a really mess.Esmerelda’s pup wanted some too. It was tough to find an anthill big enough for two, let alone a bag of sour gummy ants big enough for both of them. Maybe he would like some candied termites?!
Hello everyone. I'm new and thought I could share a inking project that I finished this weekend.
Inktober Day 11 - Sour
Here are my next 4 Hunter from Badbatch always #watching, Emperor Palpatine who puts #pressure on his subjects, First-order executor who swings his lightning axe like a #pick and Grand Moff Tarken who has a sour and sullen expression....
Inktober 2021 day 12- stuck:
They were stuck. Really stuck. Roscoe and Josephine raccoon had thought that they had planned out a good heist. Halloween always had good eats and tonight they had anticipated a candy bar pig-out. Wilbur, their cousin had told them that the humans hid the really good candy in the carved pumpkins that were called jack o’ lanterns (for some strange reason). The first set of pumpkins that they found, the two siblings recklessly jumped inside.Pumpkins were easy to climb into and much tougher to clamber out of. If worst came to worst, they would nibble their way out, hopeful. It was awfully embarrassing though. “Wait! What was that sound?” Growled Roscoe from deep within the Jack o’ lantern. “Was that Wilbers laugh from the bushes?!”
“When we get out of here we’re going to tie a firecracker to your tail Wilber, you little jerk,” growled Josephine.
Inktober Day 12 - "Stuff"
Well, technically, it was supposed to be "Stuck", but I must have misread the prompt when I started sketching everything out last month. So now we have "stuff" instead. Ehhh, the image kind of works as "Stuck" too I suppose? LOL
Anyhoo, I had a lot of fun with this one! Just kept it simple! A tired table luggin' it's goodies, more socks than it knows what to do with, and a hat it can never reach.
I hope you're having a great Tuesday so far!
Thank you - of course you're right in that all of our past work deserves the love and respect for the time and effort we've given it.
I just know I can do better, LOL, so, the embarrassment really helps to drive the improvement. But I get what you're saying, we all have whoopsie pieces - that's how we know we're getting better! Thank you for the boostAnd thank you for the kind words! Indeed, this baby is a cutey! I should have changed the leg a bit more, as you recommended, but I was way more focused on the face and hand. You're right about the leg though, I adjusted it a bit, but it could stand to be cuter
And WOW - you're doing your Inktober pieces from concept to final in one sitting? YEEEESH, bonus props to you! That's a lot to manage! And yet your work is still so lovely! I love your storytelling via point of views, like with the grey monochrome with the warm focal point piece [], and the texture and movement on Vessel is LOVELY. You're doing great! I love seeing your work
Thanks again @Koaila-art! Looking forward to seeing more ~
Shani -
Day 12 - Stuck
Tree trunk family Roof! -
If you ever hear wet cooing outside your window
There’s a fiddler on the roof…
Day 13 - Roof
day 13-roof.
Day 13 - Roof