Share your Inktober projects!
Private turf
"Risk" Woot! We did it!
We did it!!
Days 29-31!!
It has been an awesome journey!
Day 31 - Made it!
Day 26 - “Connect” (hopefully home run!)
Day 27 - “Spark” (who doesn’t love sparklers?)
the final day of Inktober - risk and 31/31 complete! Woo hoo!
Day 30 - Slither and Day 31 - Risk
Inktober Day 31 - "Risk"
What's riskier than going after your dreams?
Well... I suppose gas station sushi is riskier than that, but I didn't feel like drawing a gas station, so instead....A few days late on this!
Y'all should be so proud of yourselves! I know I am! Inktober is a challenge challenge. Phew! Looooong month, but thanks for inspiring me to keep going with all of your pieces! Way to go!Happy November, friends!