October's Featured Student: Julia Hegetusch
Our featured student for the month of October is Julia Hegetusch. It's up on our blog and below is an introduction to the Q&A that SVS producer, David Braud, conducted with Julia:It’s often assumed that we’re supposed to figure what we’re going to do with our life by the time we’re 18… or 25… or even 30. Didn’t work that way for me, and it didn’t work that way for Julia either. If you’re feeling “stuck” in a job or on a path that leaves you unfulfilled, our interview with Julia should be an encouragement to keep creating; to keep grinding away, knowing that you are getting closer to your dream one day at a time.
Read the whole Q&A on the BLOG
Congratulations @Moana-Maureen, and great blog post!
congrats Julia!
Wow, I love your art @Moana-Maureen
@Jeremy-Ross thanks
@Jeremy-Ross Thanks, I was kind of anoyed at myself because I wrote it all so fast due to a full calender, so glad you liked it.
@carlianne Thankyou
@KathrynAdebayo Thankyou