November's Featured Student: Marek Halko
Our featured student for the month of November is Marek Halko. It's up on our blog and below is an introduction to the Q&A that SVS producer, David Braud, conducted with Marek:When you look at Marek’s artwork you probably wouldn’t think, “I bet an anesthesiologist created that.” It’s the job of an anesthesiologist to put people to sleep but Marek’s work wakes us up! His use of fun bright colors and shapes are anything but sleepy. And now enjoy getting to know Marek and his work a bit more.
Read the whole Q&A on the BLOG
That was fun to read, Marek, and I love your work! I get the same sense of humor from both what you draw and what you say
Congrats @marek-halko I love your work
Congratulations @marek-halko, love your work!
Congrats @marek-halko big fan of your work! Your art is awesome too.
Great interview, @marek-halko! Love your work!
Congrats @marek-halko I love your work!
Hi guys, thank you so much for your nice comments! I appreciate it a lot!
Great interview @marek-halko. I am a massive fan of your work.
I love your work,too! So much joy!
@lizardillo @danielerossi Thanks guys! Really happy to hear that