Happy announcement!
I wanted to announce this with you all before doing it on social media but I officially signed with Andrea Brown Literary Agency and will be represented as an author/illustrator by Jemiscoe Chambers-Black.
I had sent out a sprinkling of submissions to agencies but wasn't really committed to finding an agent yet since I still have a full time Illustration gig and was debating between submitting as an author/illustrator or just an illustrator. I had one dummy prepared but wanted to do more if going for author/illustrator (which is where my heart is).
So, although I got rejections from the places I applied to Jem reached out after seeing my work on Instagram! Which is very exciting because I've been working very hard on my Instagram and seeing it pay off is AMAZING. She was interested in repping me as an illustrator but when I said I wanted to be an author/illustrator she was totally on board and loved my book dummy (it's with my yeti character!)
Anywho in celebration I wanted to turn my star piece into an announcement. So here is turning fallen stars into dreams come true (too cheesy?)
@carlianne that’s awesome! So happy for you! Congratulations!
Congratulations @carlianne! I’m so happy for you! Well deserved too; your work is stellar.
Looking forward to seeing your yeti book on the shelves!
@carlianne This is AWESOME NEWS!!!!
I've heard a lot of good things from ABLA. I wish you all the best!
Congrats @carlianne ! Your work is wonderful and deserve to be noticed. I can't wit to see what you get to work on
@carlianne Yay! Congratulations Carlianne
@carlianne Congratulations ! Your work is really beautiful, especially your star submission. Looking forward to seeing what you put out in the future !
Congrats!! I have been following you on Instagram for a while now and you really deserve this!
@carlianne You rock, Carlianne! And look how quickly you implemented that Critique Arena suggestion!
@carlianne Wonderful! Congratulations, thanks for sharing. Hope to see a book of yours made soon!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's so awesome!!!!!!!!!!
So excited for you, @carlianne !!! Keep us updated as you keep moving forward!
Big congratulations! So excited for you @carlianne
@carlianne CONGRATS! Your art is so beautiful, you definitely deserve it
Congratulations! Your art is so lovely, I hope to see your stories in bookstores soon!
Woweee!!!! Congrats!!!! All of your hard work is being recognized!!!
Thank you all so much!! I really attribute a lot of my success to SVS courses, professors and community here
️ I really feel fortunate to have found you all!
I love hearing how it all ended up falling into place. I've said it before, but want to say it again: Congratulations!!!
@carlianne Hey Carlianne! I thought about PM'ing you but this might be something others might find useful. Did you find any useful way to decide between a post and a story??
I didn't post as much in the 2nd half of 2021 but I'm thinking of making more of an effort this year to be consistent and I felt that I honestly couldn't tell which one was the better vehicle and almost always did just a post. But maybe I was shortchanging visibility.
@jdubz I like stories for work in progress or behind the scenes or polls/voting. Images that aren't clean enough to be on my page go to my story. You can also share posts of other artists you like there.