Both submissions are so good @melissa_bailey!
@mrgarypotts Love your color palette and style of line work, fun piece!
@asyas_illos Love your style, super cute!
@cayleen Love the changes you made to your initial sketch. Glad to see you stuck with your initial idea and made it work. Nice!
@larue aww thank you!
Both submissions are so good @melissa_bailey!
@jeremy-ross aww, thanks so much! I love the girl's expression in your piece. You nailed the humor!
Hey folks! It's been a while. I wanted to share my illustration for this month, along with the story behind it.
I want to illustrate nonfiction picture book biographies, so I challenged myself to find a figure from history related to tigers to illustrate this month. So without further adieu, let me introduce you to Mabel Stark!
"Marvelous" Mabel Stark is thought to be the first ever female tiger trainer. She fell in love with tigers after sneaking into the circus one night (around 1911) and knew she had to work with them. She suffered 700 stitches in her career and was nearly mauled to death at one point, but she continued the craft until she was almost 80 years old. “For me, there is no greater thrill than stepping into a cageful of those glorious beasts and matching wits with them,” she wrote.
Hope you enjoy!
@cianamacaroni LOVE your style! Great concept and great story behind it. Thanks for introducing us to Mabel!
@melissa_bailey thanks so much Melissa!
@koaila-art LOVE IT! Great movement and color palette too!
@heather-boyd This is so lovely! I love the texture.