@LisaF thanks I’m in!
@Jeremiahbrown Nice one! I tidy my studio during CA
I only caught the first 20 min before my dogs vet appt but congrats all around!
@Jeremiahbrown nice! I have to do admin stuff, but doodling would be fun!
@Jeremiahbrown haha nice I was writing or trying to lol, I accidentally left the meeting during critiques and couldn’t get back in can’t wait for the video!
@Asyas_illos it's on Youtube now and will be in the course within a couple of days.
@Kristen-Lango Oh wow, I love this idea and how you expressed it. It's also cool to see the progress stages.
@Jeremiahbrown awesome! Love this sketch of will
@Jeremiahbrown would love to if it weren't 4am my time. Nonetheless I enjoyed CA being the first thing I do waking up. Had a productive day of manuscript rewriting afterwards before the crazies woke up
@Johanna-Kim Thank you so much Johanna! That means a lot coming from a great artist such as yourself
I'm hoping to post the finished scan soon