Hi all! I'm JQ and am an artist based in Singapore. I'm trying to transition to art and illustration full time after working several years as a software developer in my past life. I joined recently to take part in the May contest as well as check out the SVS courses. Great to see all the art and sharing going on here; hope to be able to participate and learn from everyone here.
I'm mostly self-taught so far, and kind of fell out of touch with my art the several years I was working in my previous job. Really looking to regain my creative spark and improve, and I very much welcome critique and feedback on my work. My website's at: https://tanjunqi.art/
I've started taking a look through the SVS courses, so just dropping some practice sketches here from the visualizing perspective course:
@JQ Welcome! Your sketches are great, I can see that you're very serious about learning from SVS. Looking forward to seeing more of your art
@Kristen-Lango Thank you! Glad to be part of this community
Welcome! Your art is very good! I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here to help polish up your storytelling!
Great sketches and welcome to SVS.
@JQ Welcome to SVS and you did a great job on these drawings, Now I think I should go back and redo my own!
@JQ Hello! Glad to know that there is someone else from Singapore here on SVS
️ Your art is so great!
Thanks all for the warm welcome and compliments!
Awesome! I really need to get to know more folks in the Singapore scene too.