Last week - I launched an art book on Kickstarter!
Woot! Woot!
Great job! I love seeing svs students who have excelled!
Congratulations @carlianne 🥳🥳🥳 The book looks amazing!!!
This is awesome @carlianne great work! And congratulations!!
Thanks everyone!!! It's so exciting to get the great feedback.
Ahh!!! I'm so close to finding in 24 hours!! 4 his to go and we are at 92%
@carlianne Wow! Congrats! Your art is so good and cute.
@Eliana-Bastidas oh thank you!! I really appreciate that!!
I funded in under 24 hours! Couldn't thank SVS enough for all the resources to create a successful campaign
@carlianne it looks amazing. Congratulations on a successful kickstarter!
@AngelinaKizz thank you so much!
Congratulations @carlianne, this is amazing! So happy for you!
@Jeremy-Ross Thank you Jeremy!!
@carlianne Amazing!!! So happy for you!