How do you narrow down which idea to go with?
Happy Saturday, everyone!!
So I’m having a dilemma and I’m wondering how you guys handle it! I’m working on my submission for September’s Critique Arena prompt, but I have several ideas that I like and can’t decide which one to go with. I’ve done several thumbnails but keep vacillating between ideas. This happens pretty often—I have several ideas and can’t pick which one is best. It can cause analysis paralysis, which means a lot of times I end up not creating anything!
Who else can relate?? Any tips or ideas? I’d love to hear what everyone else does to help with this! I haven’t been as active as some in this community, but you all are pretty awesome so I’m sure there’s some really good advice in here!
@lisatoris hi! you can always post them here so that we can help you decide
@Nyrryl-Cadiz I second this, post what you got and we’ll do our best to help out!
@lisatoris have you thumbnailed them?
@lisatoris When this happens to me I ask myself what my portfolio needs, and what I would have the most fun illustrating. In the past, the illustrations that have been the most enjoyable for me often turn out the best, because my heart is really in it.
Thanks for the suggestions and offers to help, everyone! I was going to post my thumbnails here, but eventually just come up with a brand new idea using simpler shapes. Figured that will be easier, since I'm new to creating compositions that tell a story. I might not get it done in time for the deadline today, but I'll still share it when I'm finished!!