Writing Podcasts & Novel November…
Have you listened to the SCBWI podcast? They interview a lot of authors. I've gotten some great info from it as far as writing goes.
@kirsten-mcg I hadn’t heard they had a podcast. I dont have an SCBWI group in my town. The closest one is about 300 miles away, so I haven’t joined yet and I’m kinda out of that loop. I will look up the podcast though. That sounds perfect.
@Pamela-Fraley Im listening to the picturebooking podcast. It's interview with authors/illustrators as well. Besides I like writing excuses but it's not focused on kidlit,more fantasy oriented and novels bit very interesting nontheless.
@Chantal-Goetheer Thank you. I will check those out. I find any writing advice helpful. I’ve been scouring YouTube for writer advice too. There’s actually a lot out there.
@Pamela-Fraley which ones do you like most?
@Chantal-Goetheer Of the classes I’ve watched? That’s hard. Margaret Atwood is not my favorite author and writes very outside of my usual genre, but she has a way of thinking about things from angles that I would never imagine, so it was really cool. Neil Gaiman… I just love his work and I could listen to him talk all day so I was obsessed. I watched his class at least 2 and a half times. But, for sheer practical, “here’s how you do this, lets break it down…” It was Brandon Sanderson all the way. His class is free and I think it is so well organized. Anyone who wants to write any kind of novel would benefit from it.
@Pamela-Fraley there is You are a Storyteller with Brian McDonald (which I've got to be honest I go back and forth on quite a bit). Some episodes I like and others I really hate haha
Of course Creative Pep Talk but I'm sure you already know this one.
And then there is Book Friends Forever which I've tried really hard to get into... This one is definitely the most kid lit focused, but I sometimes get a little bored with the hosts.
I hope this helps!
I've been looking for new good creative podcasts too because right now I just listen to Creative Pep Talk and 3PP on repeat because I can't find another one that I like as much as those two haha
@Kristen-Lango Thank you! That’s actually very helpful. I haven’t actually heard of those at all. I did some searches, but there’s so many podcasts out there that I was a bit overwhelmed and had no idea which ones to even try. I’ll look into creative pep talk.
@Pamela-Fraley Aw that's so great! I'm glad it was helpful! Ah yes, run to Creative Pep Talk haha Andy has gotten me through some serious tough creative blocks, though he is a particular type of personality... I suspect his show is either one you love or hate lol there isn't much in between because he is very high energy (which is why I love it).
@Pamela-Fraley The podcast is free to listen too! No need for a membership.