Loose vs unfinished/ rushed
@AngelinaKizz That sounds like the way I feel so much of the time, have to take tutorials in segments to integrate it all... Thank you for letting us know how you are doing
@kylebeaudette You definitely inspire me... I love your stuff!!!!
Something that has helped me loosen up is not using layers while I’m drawing. I’ll still separate line and color layers and whatnot but working on drawing layer and simply lightly erasing and redrawing things rather than having a rough sketch layer and then s clean sketch on top has really helped me.
@AngelinaKizz Ooooh, I can so relate to this! I'm always trying to push my work to look less realistic and less polished. It's been a long and slow process so far. The thing that has helped me most is studying the art of artists I admire, and practicing the way they draw things. Master study type stuff. I feel like if I could find more time to devote to master studies I could probably progress faster. I'm curious about using your non dominant hand. Is that a way to loosen up? I feel like if I drew with my non dominant hand everything would end up looking like chicken scratches!
I draw with my non dominant because I had an accident in 2020 that permanently damaged my dominant. I can’t hold a pencil or my wrist dislocates. I fully ruptured an important ligament that holds the hand over the arm bones at the wrist, but because of covid lockdowns, I wasn’t able to get diagnosed until it was too late to repair. That paired up with a broken bone that was never reset (because they missed that too and all imaging was cancelled) that is now bent and too short, and no ligament, if I hold my arm pointing upwards, my hand “falls off”. I jokingly refer to this as my circus trick. I’ve had to have a prosthetics specialist make me a brace like contraption with hinges, to hold the hand in the right spot at the wrist and still have some mobility, so that I can continue to work, and even play some piano again, but I still can’t use a pencil. Gotta be a lefty now. -
@AngelinaKizz Oh wow! That is quite a story. I admire your determination in not letting this get you down and continuing to create anyway! That must be so frustrating knowing it could have been prevented. I'm glad you've been able to regain a little use of your hand though. Being able to play the piano again must be nice. I play too, so I know how hard that would be to give up!
@kirsten-mcg thanks, it’s been a rough go, but I’m finally at a comfortable place. Still tons of daily pain in my dominant, but so grateful for some function back. My left is still often shaky, and very slow to work with. I find the slower I work, the tighter the art gets. So it’s a weird balance for sure.