New years goals 2023
I know it's the new year now but I have been rather busy but still want to add on my few current goals.
Complete a finished manuscript for a children's picture book -I wrote the first draft in the fall and now working through editing it with "Writing Picture Books by Ann Whitford Paul" and getting some friends to through it with me.
More commission work and broadening my subject matter.
Start in January a bi-monthly newsletter (the first one came out on Jan 8th, this past Sunday; next one is in the works for March 8th). I had a lot of friends interested in my work process; the how and why- I call it Going Deeper. Next one will have some other things, and probably shorten my Going Deeper section. If you are interested you can go to my website and at the bottom subscribe.
That's it for now. Still want to get some learning in and a few portfolio pieces but nothing concrete right now.
It's good to have goals and adjust as you need to.
Thanks everyone!Happy New Year!!!
- Prepare for Wedding Getting married this year
- Try and put something together for Emerald City Comic Con at the beginning of March.
- Finish my Lost Shrew illustrated project (Personal project)
- Write a bit more
- Take courses, really hunker down on a lot of fundamentals in both drawing/rendering and story telling.
- Be better at spending more time on here and posting my work for thoughts/opinions/critiques
- Prepare for Wedding Getting married this year
@Kristen-Lango painting from life is a huge help! It's on my list too this year.