@Kristen-Lango super cool! Great that you're all in on youtube too. How do I subscribe to your newsletter? There doesn't seem to be a subscribe button on the page you linked...but maybe it's just me being a dud
@ArtMelC Thank you!
And haha no worries! It's not super obvious, I have to work on making the subscribe feature on my website more prominent.
It's at the bottom of the page:
I really have to try to change the language, but Wix doesn't make anything easy despite their marketing team saying otherwise -
@Kristen-Lango Ooh I see, it's on your main website. Will be good to have it on the newsletter itself too. It takes time to figure these stuff out I am frustrated too with my site and everything.
@ArtMelC Ugh tell me about it, I can't even figure out how to change the language from "Subscribe Form" to something else...
Plus there is the added bonus that I think Wix differentiates between newletters and email marketing. Like what the heck is the difference anyway?! -
@Kristen-Lango I've read somewhere that Newsletter is sent at regular interval and tend to have a couple of things bundled together. Its content is considered more "valuable" to the readers (e.g. Thoughts on certain issue, Tips, Story, with a little room for updates and marketing).
Email Marketing is direct and is usually single-purpose to get you to sign up for a thing, or purchase a thing. It is sent as an when needed (prelaunch, launch, reminder). Think off all of those emails telling you "Last chance to get XYZ before price increases on x date". Email marketing is seen as serving the business more than the receiver.
The reason the 2 is distinguished is probably for control and analysis purpose. The advise is generally to balance the two. Too many marketings and people will get tired and unsubscribe if they don't get value from the subscription. I hope I am making sense!!
@Chantal-Goetheer @Adam-Thornton-0 @Kristen-Lango @MimiHecher Thank you for your support!
So, after much frustration, I have finally sent out my March newsletter. 3 things I learnt from my experience this month:
If you are using Substack but want to capture subscription forms on your website, at this moment you have to manually export the new signups stored in Squarespace (or wherever platform your website reside in) and import them on Substack. There is no automated way to do this so you have to manually scour for new signups in your website.
Test your website's sign up form! Mine was connected to nothing for a while, until someone I knew whatsapped me to let me know she subscribed, only to find out her email wasn't captured in my system. I had to embarassingly ask for her email address so I could help her enter it manually while troubleshooting my settings. Thank goodness she told me, otherwise I would have unwittingly lose a subscriber!
Despite having rough ideas and drafts a week in advance, life still never failed to derail me. Causing my #MondayBluesNoMore publication to never publish on Monday, at least for the past 3 months. Lol. For now I decide to give myself grace and be okay with this dynamic as long as I send something good out each month at a semi-regular interval.
I just signed up!
I've been thinking about doing one for a while, but I'm trying to start a Youtube channel and that's taking all my extra time. So great job getting yours started!And monthly is fine! When I get mine started, it'll probably only be once a month too. And as a reader, I get overwhelmed by newsletters that come out every week- but I forget about the monthly ones and then get excited when I see them pop up in my inbox! They're a nice suprise that way.
The one for this month is so calming. Haha I needed that today.
Looking forward to reading April's! -
@NickyDrew It is super cool that you are starting a Youtube channel! Thank you for your support, I am glad you enjoyed the March newsletter
@ArtMelC Thanks for this! Yeah I know the difference between the two, but what's stopping me from writing my newsletter in a template that is from Wix's email marketing option?
So here is my second one, and I really like the format of it.
But I don't know, would you call this a newsletter or email marketing?
Either way, I like it haha so I'm honestly not sure why I even care hahaha most of the time I think we've gone way overboard with all this crap. Like it doesn't need to be that hard, you know? -
@Kristen-Lango I like it. And I agree with you. I haven't used wix templates but newsletter tends to have a few sections of previews with a few "read more" buttons whereas email marketing only has 1 section and a big CTA button. Mostly.
But who long as it is clear to the readers what they are supposedto do. I am not one to heckle about the correct format since my newsletter is almosy entirely images of my handwritten stuff
I love your take of painting an illustration twice.
@ArtMelC Aw thanks Mel! Right?! All the terms just make me want to pull my hair out haha
I love that you're incorporating handwritten things into yours! I love anything that brings in an "analog" touch