I was contacted be the Collaborate Agency. What is it?
A month or so back I submitted my portfolio to itsme.biz mostly to see if I could get repped by advocate art or the astound agency. However I recently heard back from something called the Collaborate agency (https://collaborate.agency/) that I've never heard of with details about a specific project and asking if I want to become a "supplier." I'm unsure of what this agency is and how they work as they were not offering me representation but offering me work on one specific project. They also do not list specific artists or writers on their website but instead list publishers as their clients. Does anyone have experience with this agency or can explain how they works? I am really confused so any insights are appreciated.
@Mimi-Simon I don't know if this helps or not. I put together a few theories, but I don't have experience with this company.
I looked at their website and I felt like it had a lot of marketing jargon, but wasn't specific enough. The itsme.biz website has this article on Collaborate Agency.
This blurb seems to encapsulate who they are? "Collaborate agency is rebranding with a colorful, playful new look, message, and website! They are Children’s Book Creators – ready to bring your children’s book creations into reality through book design, animation, educational resources, campaigns and illustration."
Still sort of general, but it seems like, they're a company that collects creators, designers, illustrators and then they could operate as this middle man for the publisher. Again, this is just my assumption.
I would assume also if they're saying "supplier" you'd "supply" illustrations for THEIR clients. Again, this is going back to my theory that they're a middle man company. Because you could supply illustrations directly to the publisher / author, but they seem to be the person instead, you just provide the assets.
You might feel confused because they're website isn't really specific on what services they provide. It's lot of marketing language that looks pretty I feel.
Did they specify, "you'll be a supplier of illustrations?" Or just "you will be a supplier" and left it like that?
EDIT: I found this article, they seem to be advertising their services on this page, which makes me believe my theory more.
So one says "Collaborate, a design agency..." I think they're basically a large agency that hire out people to provide designs illustrations, etc. for publisher companies. So one theoretical example would be, if I'm big publisher, and I want to promote an educational book and event about sea creatures FOR a museum (because my publishing company sees a market there) I could work with a graphic design agency AND/OR an illustrator to provide all of the designs we'd need for this book/event. OR I could hire Collaborate to do all of the supplying of the designs/illustrations/boots on the ground for that, and I can just supply parameters. IDK if that makes sense or not.
@Mimi-Simon The easiest way to know would be to reply to their email and ask, hun.
Whenever we receive an inquiry of any kind, the first step is asking questions and learning more. It will not make you appear unprofessional. I've been a working illustrator for years and I also have no clue what they mean by "supplier" so it's not like it's an industry standard term or anything.
An agent is a partner and we need to be able to ask them anything and work together. So ask away! You can't make a decision with just the info you have now.
I was actually approached by the same people a few months ago. I told them I was already repped by an illustration agency, but they said they weren't an agency and they outsource work to illustrators. As an illustrator for them I would be a "supplier". They asked me to send them examples of work to shop around but I never did. I felt that by the time they take their cut of the fee, and my agent takes their cut, I'd be left with hardly anything. I don't know if that helps!
@MarcRobinson Wow that seems like a weird way for them to split hairs. They're not an agent, they just shop your art around, send you work and take a cut... like an agent.
@NessIllustration it did feel weird to me.