Sky pirates coloring book.
Looking for critique for my coloring book cover. I have the story and all pages roughed in to this same level of line work. Here is the cover. I will post a few other pages.
@Russ-Van-Dine Looks really cool! Love the front airplane and the overall design is great!
Couple things I might change are:
have the cat looking forward at the reader, maybe posed as if he is about to throw the water balloon (?) at the reader.
I would also remove all the hatched shading. While I have seen a few coloring pages online with shading, more often than not, there is no shading. Makes for a cleaner page.
You need to create some separation between the cat's head and the left tail wing of the plane. Using differing line weights might help. And you have a slight tangents where both tail wings touch the flag.
Need a way to separate the cat's right foot from the bottom left rope anchor.
Look forward to seeing some other pages. Are you planning to print this, or offer it online?
@tom-barrett I will post a few more pages Thanks for the feed back. I’m working on exact type of line work that I want to use, I’m working to get as much deep black into the pages. I will be using crosshatching and other fill type lines. I don’t much care for the thick lines around everything and then thin lines inside approach. You are right it is cleaner, but it is too formulaic for me. Every page I have drawn has mistakes and bad lines, I’m not going to clean them all up, just a few. Every time it think I have the exact approach down and have something to really follow, the approach changes to something better. This is my first of three coloring books using the theme of pigs in flight. The next one is wolves, rabbits, pigs,and turtles wearing jet packs racing on an island race course. Each team tries to prank/trick/cheat the other teams out of the win. Of course the refs/zebras in little helicopters throw lots of flags and penalize teams by minutes for fouls. Hopefully the next book is slightly faster to write and draw. This first one has taken me about nine months.
I am planning on using actual lettering when I finish everything in photoshop. This is pages 24 and 25.