Thanks to Jake’s planner I am currently working on my second novella this year to be released in december. And I also managed to finish a Novel draft, a short story and a poem. These last two with the storytelling collective who offered a vip submission timeline for a magazine.
So if you need to get your ducks in a row (and maybe in a children's book or novella) I can’t emphasize how much getting this planned and deadlined will help you, and Jake’s Planner was the perfect tool for me to be able to do it this year
And here’s the plug!
For the remaining days of october Im offering my first novella for free!
Its a sword and sorcery adventure where magic and might take four girls to look for their past and fight for their future in a forbidden mountain deep inside a dark forest.
Get it here
And here’s [Jake’s Planner] but if you hop onto his patreon you can get it for the same price of admission and thats bonkers (